Honesty Still the Best Policy

Do you consider yourself to be an honest person? Do you search for the truth? In today’s world, it seems like honesty and the truth are subjective. Two people can tell you the opposite thing and each says it is the truth. Is it simply a difference of perspective or is one person lying? Do you take what they are saying as fact, or do you search for the truth? Are people pushing their opinions as facts for their own benefit? For me, it is hard to tell.

Honesty was a big issue when I was growing up. Lying was just not okay and if I was caught in a lie, punishment surely followed. When asked a question, I was to answer with the whole truth.

But what about a ā€œwhite lieā€?

One time I overheard my mother say something negative about someone, but later, in person, she said the opposite. I asked why my mother had lied (yes, just like that). Iā€™m not sure whether my motivation was to understand or to point out the hypocrisy. Either way, that was when I heard the phrase ā€œwhite lieā€. It is saying something to spare anotherā€™s feelings. ā€œNo, that dress doesnā€™t make you look fatā€ or ā€œyour new hair color makes you appear younger.ā€ A white lie does no harm and only seeks to protect the feelings of others. Answering honestly would serve no positive purpose and would only embarrass both parties.

Today, it seems to me that lying is acceptable under much broader circumstances. Some people lie to keep out of trouble. Others lie for personal gain or to gain sympathy and support. Iā€™ve even run into people who lied to get a job. Most people, at some point, have lied to protect their personal privacy.

Letā€™s face it, everyone lies, but where do we draw the line between a ā€œwhite lieā€ and one that is harmful to others? For me, lying to mislead others for personal gain is on the wrong side of the line. Lying about someone to harm them or so you are perceived as better than them is even worse. Those are easy (at least for me).

What is the truth? If you hear it on your favorite station, then it is true, but if it comes from someone else, it is a lie. Are you okay with people lying to you? If someone lies, but they support your goals, do you accept it because of its value to your view? Lies that I agree with are okay, but any lies I donā€™t support are bad. Is that really truth? Do we even care about what is true?

For me, honesty is a goal, and a ā€œwhite lieā€ is still one that does no harm. Finding the truth is my responsibility. Iā€™m committed to searching for the facts and not just taking someoneā€™s view as the truth. The truth may set you free, but first you must get through all the noise and find it yourself.

The world would be a better place if there were less dishonesty. Doing no harm to others seems like a good place to start, even if you must do no harm to someone you donā€™t agree with.


Choose to be a light!

One Comment

  1. Kat
    KatMarch 18, 2024 at 9:41 pm

    White lies are very harmful at times does this dress make me look fat instead of using a white lie you can use tactic such as ” I think the cut of the dress doesn’t bring out your best features ” instead of lieing or do you like my new hair color you can say something to the affect of ” I prefer you in _____hair color it brings out _____ more ” even white lies can hurt because eventually someone with less tact will either tell the person the truth or they might overhear someone speak it to someone else. You can always find the truth to speak but in a gentler way than others.

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